Course Outline

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    Chapter 01 - Binding the MK Way - Introduction

    • 01 - Spoken Intro, Description of the Type of Binding I'm Covering, Trimming the Quilt, Measuring The Quilt to Determine How much Binding Fabric is Needed,

    • 02 - Marking the Strips in Preparation for Connecting them Diagonally, Sewing the Strips Together (either on the line or eyeballing it), Clipping Strips Apart, Trimming and Pressing

    • 03 - Attaching the Binding to the Quilt Top, Determining Seam Allowance,

    • 04 - Stitching the Binding to the Top of the Quilt, Demonstration of How I Approach the Corners and Turning, Connecting the Two End of the Binding

    • 05 - Joining the Two Trimmed Ends of the Binding, Final Stitching to Attach Binding the Rest of the Way, Trimming the Corners

    • 06 - Pressing the Binding Out After it Has Been Attached

    • 07 - Stitching in the Ditch on the Top While Catching the Folder-Over Binding on the Back, Thread Color Choices, Final Thoughts