Try us out for free with some quick tips and easy technique courses.
This bundle includes the following courses:
Ellen's Best Practices for Starts and Stops
Learn three ways to start and stop your longarm quilting when doing free motion or ruler work.
Centering Your Backing Vertically
In this course, learn my very quick steps for centering your quilt top vertically on the backing before you load.
Free Pro-Stitcher Tips and Tricks
A collection of short video tips covering a variety of features and functions of Pro-Stitcher. Content will continue to be added to this course - check back often!
Load Quilts the MK Way
Learn how MK loads her quilts in this in-depth course. MK will show you all the tools, tips, tricks and techniques that she uses to make loading accurate, precise and fast.
Longarm Ruler Quilting 101
In this free introduction course learn which tools and accessories you need to start on your ruler quilting journey. Ellen gives you her best intro tips and advice on longarm rulers, machine settings, and how to ruler ditch a quilt block.
Using the Handi Quilter Bobbin Winder
Leery of loading? Boggled by bobbins? Learn how to quickly and easily load your own bobbins using the Handi Quilter bobbin winder.